Trinity College London Exam

Course Overview
Start Dates Every Monday
Class Size Maximum 16
Minimum Age 18+
Class Hours 21 hours per week
Levels Available Elementary (A1+)
Pre-Intermediate (A2)
Intermediate (B1)
Upper-Intermediate (B2)
Advanced (C1)

As a Trinity College London Registered Exam Centre and provider of SELT exam preparation classes, inlingua Leeds Academy offers a rich choice of courses to help students prepare for Trinity’s College London English exams. These include: 

The Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE). GESE exams are from A1 to B1 level and are approved for applications for Leave to Remain (family), Leave to Remain extensions (family), Citizenship and Settlement. The tests feature a one-to-one speaking and listening assessment with a professional  examiner, and support the development of authentic communication skills.

The Integrated Skills in English exam (ISE). These are from B1 to C1 level and are approved for applications for a variety of Worker visas, and for Study visas. ISE is widely recognised around the world by governments and institutions as providing reliable evidence of English language proficiency. The test has a strong focus on real language performance and promotes the development of transferable skills for academic study and employability.

(For an explanation of CEFR (A1 to C1), please follow the link.)

Trinity’s College London Secure English Language Tests (SELTs) are approved by the UK Visa and 

Immigration Dept for visa and settlement purposes. inlingua Leeds Academy  is not a Trinity SELT centre. You will need to pay for your exam separately to our course. You can book your exam online or we can book it for you.

For further information about Trinity College London and Trinity College London SELT centres and exams, please use the following links:

Trinity College London SELT Main Page

Trinity College London SELT centres

Trinity College London SELT Test Booking Site