Our goal is to make education accessible to individuals of different cultures and backgrounds so they may achieve high levels of academic success and attain their personal and professional goals. We aim to achieve this by providing a high quality educational experience which is tailored to individual student needs in a friendly and highly supportive environment. Our aim is to enable individuals from different cultures and backgrounds to access a high quality educational experience which will empower them to reach their academic and personal goals in a highly supportive and individually tailored environment.
Our vision is to enable individuals to develop the skills and understanding they need to access their choice of further education and career. We believe in a holistic approach to education where social responsibility and true empathy with other human beings is not only desirable but essential to personal happiness.
Inlingua International
Crossing Language Barriers
Mission Statement
We are a global network of independent language training centers. Our goal is to fulfill the diverse needs of our customers. This is accomplished with services and products on multiple platforms, delivered virtually and in classrooms.
Our brand values – The foundations of our identity.
Who we are
A high-quality global language provider with a network
of local service centers.
What we stand for
Unparalleled expertise in the provision of language learning.
Where we are headed
Enabling unlimited communication