Safeguarding means keeping our students safe. The Prevent Duty is a law by the UK government to keep our students and the UK safe from radicalisation.
You can find our Safeguarding and Anti-Radicalisation policies on our Policies page.
If you have any worries for yourself, a friend, a family member or anyone else, please tell us as soon as possible.
Ahmed is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and our Prevent Duty Officer.
inlingua Leeds is serious about keeping the staff and students who study and work there safe.
All entrances to the inlingua Leeds building are protected by coded doors. Students and staff must not give the code to anyone else.
Unfortunately, people who have severe physical and/or learning disabilities cannot study at inlingua Leeds, as we cannot guarantee the specialist care they will need. Anyone with minor disabilities will be considered on a case by case basis. If we cannot keep you safe and help you to learn, we will not accept your application.
Safety training at inlingua Leeds
inlingua Leeds works closely with the West Yorkshire Police to keep our students safe and help them to protect themselves. We hold personal safety talks during the academic year to help students to understand how it might be different in the UK to their country.
inlingua Leeds is a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre, so if any students or staff need to talk to the police about any hate crime (a crime because of your race, religion, nationality, gender, sexuality or age), we will help you to report it.